To love is nothing, to beloved is something. To love and beloved are everything!
Monday, June 6
Thursday, June 2
Like Love ?
Yes indeed I might not feel their situation, but I also have feelings. I feel the love!
Remember the adage 'there are many fish in the sea'. So, why dowe have to target one fish only?
Many of the differences between people who fall in love, with people who are fooled by love.
Obviously, people who fall in love:
1. will not feel hurt because of love
2. will not feel a broken heart, but only a disappointment
But people are fooled by love:
1. It certainly feels the pain
2. feel heartbroken
3. feel upset
If you love someone, let him go.
Monday, May 30
More Beautiful Than Words Could Say
They Said It wouldnt Work But What Did They Know?
Cause Years Passed And We're Still Here Today
Never In My Dreams Did I Think That This Would Happen To Me
As I Stand Here Before My Woman
I Cant Fight Back The Tears In My Eyes
Oh How Could I Be So Lucky
I must've Done Something Right
And I Promise To Love Her For The Rest Of My Life
Seems Like Yesterday When She First Said Hello
Funny How Time Flies By When You're In Love
It Took Us A Lifetime To Find Each Other
It Was Worth The Wait Cause I Finally Found The One
Never In My Dreams Did I Think That This Would Happen To Me

Saturday, May 21
Confused and upset
Yep that's what I feel right now!
I don't understand why did I get it, but I exactly know since when.
And last night till this time I don't know what will I do.
I wanna share some song lyrics that seems like what I feel
I've go to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here I hope you understand
We might find our place in this world someday
But at least for now I gotta go my own way
I'm leaving today 'cause I've gotta do what's best for me
you'll be ok..
Yang terjadi biar saja terjadi
Bagai manapun hidup
Memang hanya cerita
Cerita tentang meninggalkan dengan ditinggalkan
How Am I supposed to know what's right?
I can't help the way I feel
But my life has been so overprotected
Samun lebih baik aku sendiri
Simpan saja rasa di hatimu
Sudah lupakan
And your memory
And how every song reminds me
Of what used to be
kini maafkanlah aku
bila ku menjadi bisu
kepada dirimu
bukan santunku terbungkam
hanya hatiku berbatas
tuk mengerti kamu
maafkanlah aku
walau kumasih mencintaimu
kuharus meninggalkanmu
kuharus melupakanmu
meski hatiku menyayangimu
nurani membutuhkanmu
kuharus merelakanmu
Aaaahhh I don't know what will I do? Wanna give me an advice? Briiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggg
Because what I really want is a boy like the boy in that song, who can carry me serenity and support me in order not to feel more depressed. You know what? Sometime I'm feeling and thinking about my freedom. I wanna feel it on my way. I do wont to feel on hold. I wont! Why did somebody never understand me? They take all of the blame to me. I want to be understandable, not only to understand others.
Tuesday, May 17
Grade 8
They are....... Annisa, Balfas, dan Shalila.
Nah, yang terakhir gua sebutin itu special banget loh. Gapernah gua nemuin orang kayak gitu.
Berani sumpah dia cuma ada satu di antara sejuta haha
Shalila itu ya, orangnya gampang di apa-apain sama kita bertiga. Entah dibooing, diledekin, diisengin lah dan dia GAPERNAH MARAH! Wehehe setrong dia
Tapi bah meskipun gitu, kita tuh sayang banget sama lu bah haha Insyaallah kali gua nemuin temen kayak lu lagi
Dulu pas kelas 8 gua duduk sama shalila, nisa duduk sama balfas. Tapi kita depan belakangan.
Awalnya gua mikir 'ih ngapain pula si shalila duduk disini -depannya nisa' hmmm ya karena suatu KE-JA-DI-AN pas kelas 7 yang bikin gua ilang feeling banget sampe sekarang kalo inget itu. Eyuuuhhh
Eh tapi ternyata kita malah deket dan main bareng mulu.
Banyak banget cerita pas kelas 8 itu yang kalo gua mikirin sekarang masih bisa bikin gua ngakak banget banget.
Cerita yang paling bikin ngakak itu ceritanya shalila yang habis makan ayam pedes dan pulang gara gara...... nananana hahaha kalo gua bilang kasian dia nanti hehe
Gua juga inget yang kita bikin babaho - babah shampoo
Inget dulu shalila pernah nyoba bikin tulisan berbahasa inggris tp jadinya malah ancur banget dan bikin gua bertiga ngakak. Tapi gua lupa dia nulis apaan hahaha
Haaanjir gua ngakak sendiri nih.
Terus ada juga balfas yang bikin ngakak pas kita lagi bercanda bercanda gitu balfas sering ngomong 'Gua bilangin bapak gua lu' pake gaya gitu haha
Terus juga barusan gua mention mentionan sama nisa shalila dan sumpah bikin gua nyengir sendiri. Harus diinget kalo DJOKO pernah jadi Trending Topic di twitter. Dan itu WORLDWIDE!
Wehhh keren banget bah bapaklu-,-"
Terus juga gua inget sama cerita kita yang tentang rencana nama pas kecil, dan punya gua sama nisa itu yang paling malu maluin! wkwk
Tapi gapapa teman, kalo kalian yang tau gua gamasalahin haha
Dan sekarangpun pas kita mau lulus kita sempetin main bareng. Kita DVD Marathon di rumah Balfas. Gua inget banget shalila bawa dvd 2 tempat gitu buat di tonton. Kita ngakak banget sama film Bruno yang dibawa shalila hahahaha ternyata sama anehnya sama yang punya.
Dan kenangan lagi di film Phobia4 pas cerita lagi kemah. Kalo gasalah namanya Chin, Ter, A, sama Perk. Yang gua inget malah bams haha. Ceritanya pas banget berempat gitu kayak kita, mana si nisa pake bangun bangun mau pindah tempat lagi.
And finally kita pernah nyebut kita itu Basle. It means Basis Single hahaha karna waktu itu kita berempat sempet single semua. Idenya nisa emang-_-
Dan itu bakal jadi kenangan gua sama kalian!
Keep our friendship ya!! Me love you all.
Do you remember Waljinah? hahaha ;)
Monday, May 16
Christopher Chace Crawford
If you're an American fanatic I bet you know him. He plays the role of Nate Archibald in Gossip Girl on The CW.
He is an actor an model too! In January 2009, Crawford was named "Summer's Hottest Bachelor".
Oh you have to know, he was born on July 18, 1985 in Lubbock, Texas, U.S.
You don't know who is he? This is, I give you him photos!

Tralalalalala.. So handsome, right? Yap he is!
Enough yaaa THANKS.
Saturday, May 14
Alexander David Linz

Lucu kan? Hahaha imut-imut banget dia. Anak paling lucu yang pernah gua liat!
Nah pas udah agak gedean dia udah ga terlalu lucu lagi
Like this..

Ya tapi ganteng sih hahahaha Sekarang dia juga udah tua, orang dia lahirnya 3 January, 1989 Kalo mau liat muka tuanya, search aja di google hehe
Okay enough, see you letter :D
Tuesday, May 10
Ashton Kutcher

Wednesday, April 27
I'm back with my.................TRALALALA Bruno Mars♥♥♥♥
Kali ini gua udah suka banget sama bruno
Mau liat foto yang paling gua suka?
Ini nih Peter Gene Hernandez

Ganteng? Iya emang!
Udah ganteng, suaranya bagus banget iya deh apalagi pas nyanyi lagu Move on sama Talking to The Moon
Nah disitu..... Suaranya bruno kedengeran bangus banget banget!!!
Pengen gua punya suara kayak dia gitu
Dan ternyata Bruno itu bukan cuma penyanyi, dia juga American song-writer and music producer
Jadi kurang lebih di albumnya itu dia bikin sendiri.
Hebat ga sih? Padahal umurnya masih 26 tahun loh
Dia juga co-writing for the songs "Nothin' on You" by B.o.B, and "Billionaire" by Travie McCoy.
He also co-wrote the hits "Right Round" by Flo Rida featuring Kesha, "Wavin' Flag" by K'naan, and "Fuck You!" by Cee Lo Green
Lagu Just The Way You Are sama Grenade yang udah masuk peringkat 3 Billboard 200 padahal masih dalam bentuk 'single' . Keren banget!
And he was nominated for seven Grammys at the 53rd Grammy Awards, winning Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for "Just the Way You Are".
Selain nyanyi, dia juga bisa main alat musik, kayak drums, guitar, keyboard, bass
Kereeeennnn banget!!!!!
Ga salah kan kalo gua suka Bruno? Hahaha
Gua gapernah nge fanatic sama siapapun-itu, baru sekarang gini nih haha
Gua sekarang punya -hampir semua lagu Bruno, dan gua nyimpen 19 video Bruno Mars, dari official video clip sampe studio live perform.
Kalo diterusin pasti panjang nih,
Hooligan! PeterGeneHernandez♥
Sunday, April 10
Rami Said Malek
I like him face since I saw him on Night At The Museum 2. First time I looked, I liked!

Oh ya, he seems like Bruno Mars. I think.. Yah let you see this!

What your opinion? Look like Bruno Mars, right?
But Bruno Mars is the MOST HANDSOME!!
Rami is older than bruno. He was born on May 12, 1981. Yap, about 30 years old.
But he is amazing!
Enough yaaa. Thanks yooo
Friday, March 4
Bruno Mars!!
Gua mau cerita tentang penyanyi kesukaan gua. Namanya BRUNO MARS
Pasti tau yakaann?
Iya dia orang yang nyanyiin lagu 'Just The Way You Are'
Lo gatau? Lo ga gaul hehehehehe
Bruno itu dimata gua ganteng banget loh
Gatau kenapa gua suka banget ngeliatnya
Orang Amerika Tengah yang item manis gitu. Ah sumpah gua histeris kalo ngeliat bruno!!!
Terus gua suka banget sama yang rambutnya keriting-keriting gitu

Gua juga gatau awalnya kenapa gua suka
Entah karena matanya, atau lesung pipi nya yang -berani sumpah gua itu manis BANGET!!
Tapi gua belum tergila gila sampe yang segimananya banget sih
Tapi ya udah fanatic sama dia mihihihihihi
Enough ya today!
Hooligan! PeterGeneHernandez♥
Thursday, February 24
Do you want to know about my tumblr?
Aw man! That is very bad! I do not understand at all
Just a laugh for that it. Yeah, enough!
Truly, I don't know what will I write about, so I just wanna write about a song lyrics.
This song is very nice! Lagu ini dinyanyiin sama Bruno Mars.
Easy come, easy go
That's just how you live, oh
Take, take, take it all
But you never give
Should've known you was trouble
From the first kiss
Had your eyes wide open
Why were they open?
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love
Is all I ever asked
Cause what you don't understand
I'd catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on the blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya
Oh ho,
I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for you, baby
But you won't do the same
No, no, no, no
Black, black, black and blue
Beat me 'til I'm numb
Tell the devil I said "Hey" when you get back to where you're from
Bad woman, mad woman
That's just what you are
Yeah, you smile in my face then rip the brakes out my car
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, yes you did
To give me all your love
Is all I ever asked
Cause what you don't understand
I'd catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on the blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya
Oh ho,
I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for you, baby
But you won't do the same
If my body was on fire
You'd watch me burn down in flames
You said you loved me, you're a liar
Cause you never ever ever did, baby
But darling, I'd still catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on the blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya
I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes I would die for ya baby
But you won't do the same
No, you won't do the same
Oh, you never do the same
No, you won't do the same
You wouldn't do the same
Ooh, you'd never do the same
Ohh, no no no
Bayangin deh kalo ada orang kayak gitu beneran pasti gabakal ada yang namanya sakit hati kan. Orang dia setianya banget banget. Padahal dia udah tau kalo dia suka sama orang yang salah, tapi tetep aja dia rela mati demi orang itu. Kalo gua punya cowo kayak gitu gabakalan gua lepas deh haha
Well, This is just a learn from a song dear. Enough yaa. Bye
Wednesday, February 23
From me to you
Sorry to always disappoint you
maybe I can not understand you completely
maybe because I'm not the best
I was too stupid to understand all what you mean
I'm too selfish to realize
I can not accept your nature
I can not make you happy
I'm always wrong
I always disagree with you
You always misunderstand me
I now realize, this is my fault
I do not want to be late and regret
pardon if I always make you angry and hate me
I do it all just to make you happy
maybe I just could not understand
how do I show what I mean
I just want to be the best for you